About Me
Colleen Neitzke
Born in South Africa.
Living in Germany since 1973. Married with two grown-up children.
Bilingual: English mother tongue; fluent in German
Academic Qualifications
Bachelor of Arts: University of South Africa
Diplom Psychologin: University of Bonn
Post Graduate Qualifications
Licenced Clinical Child Psychologist (HLfH)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (AVM)
Clinical Neuropsychologist (GNP)
Neurodevelopmental Therapist (INPP)
Child & Adolescent Hypnotherapist (MEG)
Child & Adolescent Trauma Therapist (EMDRIA)
HlfH = Hessisches Landesprüfungsamt für Heilberufe
AVM = Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verhaltensmodifikation
GNP = Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie e.V.
INPP = Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (Chester/England)
MEG = Milton Erickson Gesellschaft
EMDRIA = Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing – International Association